
Do you know that Fukushima's consumption of natto is No.1?

I'm from Fukushima. So, natto is very popular food!

I usually eat natto every evening. Today's dinner is natto too!

It was very delicious because I use mekabu whose price was dropped .

Okura is my favorite topping too!
If you know good topping of natto, please tell me! 
Thank you for reading:)


  1. I also often eat natto !
    My favorite topping is kimuchi.
    I have never topped okura , so I will try it !

  2. I like natto too!
    Because it has much protein.

  3. I didn't know Fukushima is famous for natto. I came from Fukushima though...
    My favorite topping is Furikake.
    It has a good texture.

  4. I didn't know Fukushima is famous for natto. I came from Fukushima though...
    My favorite topping is Furikake.
    It has a good texture.

